Wild Orange Essential Oil


dōTERRA wild orange essential oil is certified GRAS by the FDA, and is safe for ingestion.  But please bear this in mind: dōTERRA oils are certified pure therapeutic-grade.  Most other essential oils on the market today are not produced to such high standards, and may pose serious risks if taken internally.

Wild orange is one of the most powerful and aromatic of the essential oils.  It is excellent for disinfecting and killing fungus and pathogens.  It has very effective actions against colds and flu, and is highly recommended for use during their early stages.

Wild orange also supports the elimination toxins from the body, while stimulating the lymphatic system.

Wild orange's main constituent, limonene, has powerful anti-cancer activity, suggesting that this oil might be effective as an anti-cancer agent.

It also supports collagen formation in the skin.

Diffusing wild orange is very effective at killing pathogens in the air.  It provides a very pleasant way to disinfect and kill bacteria, and assists with colds and flu.

Diffusing wild orange can also be beneficial for nervous tension and stress, and is relaxing for children at bedtime.

Diffuse in the car on long trips.  It is very calming and uplifting, and relieves stress.  Its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-pathogenic activity also enhances the enjoyment of travel.

Put 1-2 drops of wild orange in drinking water.  It's a good diuretic, and is most useful in balancing water retention, and may be helpful with obesity.  Its lymphatic-stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, as well as detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well-being.

Adding 1-2 drops of this oil to ¼ cup of water and drinking can be very helpful for acid reflex or heartburn.  It has a powerful alkalizing effect on the system, making it very effective for many digestive issues.

Blended in massage oil or added to a bath, wild orange assists with colds and flu, eliminates toxins from the body, boosts the lymphatic and immune system and helps ease nervous tension and stress.

Use in massage for its invigorating, yet calming, properties.  Can be very helpful for muscle pain.

Mix with a carrier oil and massage on an infant's tummy to sooth stomach ache.

Add to furniture polish, to help protect furniture against damage from insects.

Add several drops of wild orange oil to some water in a spray bottle, shake well, to disperse the oil, and spritz on bed sheets, drapes or upholstery.  May also be sprayed into the air as a fragrant, pathogen-killing air freshener for kitchens and bathrooms.

Mix wild orange oil with water, to wipe down kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

Add a 5-10 drops of dōTERRA wild orange essential oil to your cake batter.  Enjoy!!!