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Animal Medicine (ongoing) | Journey to Rebirth and Renewal with the Butterfly | May 4, 2024 | 10AM - 12:30PM

  • Ladan Holistic Spa (Tysons Location) Tysons, Virginia United States (map)

Our next Animal Medicine Workshop will be on May 4, working with the Butterfly! Discover the power of Butterfly Animal Medicine to guide you through rebirth and renewal. This workshop invites you to explore profound changes with grace, connecting deeply with your inner self and the cycles of nature. More details to come!

Journey to Rebirth and Renewal with the Butterfly
Date: May 4 | Cost: $150 | 10AM - 12:30PM

Explore our last event:

Weaving the Web of Wisdom
A Spider Spirit Journey to the Silk Road Within

Date: February 29
Time: 6:15 - 9:00PM
Location: Ladan Spa (Tysons)

Unveiling the Spider Spirit as Your Guide

Join us on a journey to meet the Spider Spirit, a powerful guide within the realm of animal medicine. The spider is a masterful creator, its web a testament to the delicate balance between persistence and grace. In many traditions, the Spider symbolizes the life force that weaves the tapestry of life, embodying the energies of creation and manifestation.

As you journey, you will be invited to connect with these profound qualities. The Spider Spirit teaches us about the interconnectivity of all things and the patience required to create something beautiful and functional. It encourages us to consider the structures we build in our own lives and the intentions behind them​​.

In this workshop, you will discover the Spider's unique ability to balance past and future, physical and spiritual, male and female. The Spider's Journey is a metaphor for our own – as we spin our webs, we must also navigate the balance of nurturing and letting go, much like the spider who rebuilds its web as needed.

Through this encounter, expect to emerge with a renewed sense of creativity, resilience, and a deeper understanding of life's interconnectedness. This is your invitation to embrace the profound wisdom of the Spider Spirit on a day that defies the ordinary flow of time, offering a unique moment for personal reflection and growth.

Art Exploration

During the workshop, we'll intertwine sound healing with an immersive art exploration. Following the journey and discussion, the workshop will transition into an art exploration. You'll be creating your own web-like art piece from natural materials, symbolizing your unique path in life and your connection to the earth, creating a deeper connection with your inner self and the rhythms of nature.

As a symbol of creativity and wisdom, the Spider Spirit will guide you through a process of crafting and sound healing, leaving you with a woven piece that is not only an art form but also a symbol of the intricacies within your own life's journey. This experience is an opportunity to reflect on how you can align your life with the powerful qualities of the Spider Spirit​.

Register now!

Finger foods will be available to nourish your body as we nourish OUR spirit with spider medicine's potent energy.

We welcome you to this transformative experience, where every thread you weave is a step toward understanding the greater web of existence we all share.

Date: February 29
Time: 6:15 - 9:00PM
Location: Ladan Spa (Tysons)

Secure your spot by calling 703.763.0703. TEXT 929-335-2261 or email for more information. (finger food will be provided)

We will explore how spider medicine embodies resilience, creativity, and the power to shape our destinies. The spider teaches us about the balance between taking action and allowing life to unfold, urging us to weave our dreams into reality with patience and intention. Through the art of weaving and sound healing, you'll connect deeper with the Earth's rhythms and your own capacity for renewal, inspired by the spider's ability to craft a web that balances both beauty and functionality.

How will you harness the unique energy of Leap Day to catalyze your personal transformation? Let the Spider Spirit guide you through an evening of profound exploration and creative expression.

The Significance of Leap Day

Leap Day offers a unique moment outside the typical flow of time, making it a powerful symbol for the extraordinary aspects of Animal Medicine and the cyclical nature of the moon and femininity.

It emphasizes the theme of rare opportunities and the special magic inherent in the liminal spaces of our lives, mirroring the transformative power of the Spider Spirit and the creative potential within us all. Just as Leap Day introduces a moment to recalibrate, this workshop offers a space to reflect on your inner world, encouraging growth through the profound symbolism of the Spider Journey. On this day, set apart from ordinary time, we invite you to step into a space of deep reflection and rejuvenation.

Ready to weave the web of your destiny under the nurturing guidance of the Spider Spirit? Join us as we unlock the ancient wisdom of Spider Medicine and embrace the transformative power of the the silk road within us all.

Register now!

Date: February 29
Time: 6:15 - 9:00PM
Location: Ladan Spa (Tysons)

Secure your spot by calling 703.763.0703. TEXT 929-335-2261 or email for more information. (finger food will be provided)

Call to RSVP. Pay in advance. Due to the nature of this event, there are no refunds. However, if you are unable to make it, you may give your spot to another person. Book now to secure your spot in this enriching experience of connection and relaxation!

Journey into the Wisdom of Animal Medicine

Sacred Encounters with Spirit Totems and Animal Spirit Guides

Our "Exploring Animal Medicine through Spirit Totems and Sacred Journeys" series is a transformative exploration of the profound connections we share with the animal kingdom. Each workshop will take us deep into the mystical wisdom of animal spirits that have guided human insight and growth across cultures and ages.

In this series, you'll learn how to recognize and connect with your animal spirit guides, integrating their unique strengths and insights into your life, and tapping into animal medicine—a practice that harnesses the spiritual essence and transformative energy of animal spirits for healing and guidance. Whether through meditation, creative expression, or the powerful vibrations of sound healing, these workshops offer a path to align with the animal energies that resonate with your spirit​.

As we journey through each workshop, we'll draw from shamanic traditions, honoring the sacred practices that allow us to communicate with these spiritual allies. This series is not only a path to personal empowerment but also a celebration of the interdependence between humans and nature, fostering a deeper respect for the living world around us​​​. Embrace this journey as a way to deepen your intuition, expand your spiritual awareness, and enrich your everyday life with the wisdom of animal spirits.

Meet Some of the Animal Spirits We May Journey to in this Workshop Series

Each animal spirit guide offers unique lessons and energies, enhancing our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Here are some other revered animal spirits we may journey to meet, each embodying distinct strengths and insights that can illuminate our path to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment:

Wolf Spirit
Embodying the essence of loyalty, family, and intuition, the Wolf spirit guide teaches about deep connections with oneself and others, navigating social dynamics, and trusting one's inner voice. A journey to meet the Wolf spirit can enlighten individuals on leadership, community, and the power of instincts​.

Eagle Spirit
Known for its keen sight and majestic flight, the Eagle spirit symbolizes freedom, perspective, and spiritual awareness. Journeying with the Eagle can help individuals gain clarity, rise above life's challenges, and connect with higher truths.

Bear Spirit
he Bear spirit is revered for its strength, courage, and healing abilities. It encourages introspection, self-care, and facing life's hurdles with bravery and resilience. Engaging with Bear medicine can support personal healing, growth, and the nurturing of inner wisdom and stability.

Deer Spirit
The Deer spirit symbolizes sensitivity, intuition, and the ability to move through life's obstacles with ease. This spirit guide brings a message of peace, encouraging individuals to embrace a softer approach to life, fostering deep connections with the natural world, and nurturing a compassionate heart. Journeying with the Deer spirit can illuminate paths to spiritual growth, highlighting the importance of gentleness in strength and the power of vulnerability. Engaging with Deer medicine empowers individuals to navigate life's challenges with grace and to open their hearts to the wisdom of gentle perseverance.

As we venture into the wisdom of animal medicine, these sacred journeys offer more than just meetings; they are transformative experiences that connect us more deeply with the natural world and the myriad energies that animate our universe. Each workshop in this series is a step on the path toward awakening, empowerment, and the discovery of the profound interdependence we share with all living beings. Join us as we explore the vast and vibrant realm of spirit totems and animal guides, and uncover the unique messages and healing they have to offer.


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Learn More about Additional Holistic Wellness Services at Ladan Spa

If you're looking to deepen your spiritual journey, consider pairing your sound bath experience with any of our holistic integrated wellness services. Each complements the other, offering a comprehensive approach to spiritual well-being.

Spiritual Coaching & Counseling

Energy Healing

Sound Baths & Sound Healing

Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression

Tarot Card Readings

Human Design Reading and Coaching

Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR)™ Clearing and Coaching